Acting Basics
1. WHO?
Who are you? (Adjectives)
Who are you talking to? [Personalization]
Who are you talking about? (if anyone)
2. WHAT?
What do you want? [Objective/Goal]
What do you want overall? [Super Objective]
What are the immediate obstacles/hurdles/challenges? [Conflict]
What are you feeling? [Emotional Condition]
What is being, or has been said about you?
What happened right before this scene or monologue started? [Moment Before/Trigger]
Where are you? [Environment]
Where were you before the scene started?
(especially helpful for film)
4. WHEN?
When is this scene taking place? [Time of day, etc.]
5. WHY?
Why are you speaking? [Motivation]
What compels/impels you to talk to this person?
or, to put it another way..
What would happen if you didn’t talk to this person now? [Stakes]
6. HOW?
How do you get what you want? [Active Verbs]
What are you physically doing to get what you want? [Physical Action]
How are you or the situation changed by the end of the play, film, scene,or song? [Arc]
How (if at all) does this character or scene relate to your own life? [Substitution & Sense Memory]